Old news:
So, instead of re-coding my homepage with some
fancy scripts, I just manually pile up the old news feed on
this hidden page. Have a nice day.
- Gammis
News 4th
May 2023:
double release! Today I release two new albums at
once. The first one are an EP with songs that was removed
from the latest Gammis album. I removed them mainly
because I thought they deserved their own themed release.
These songs are about traffic sense and driving issues.
Sometimes it feels like I could write a song about peoples
incompetence in traffic every time I put myself in a car -
you feel me?
second album is a nerd chills album with songs made for a
game that I worked on back in 2017. I didn't want my work
to get totally forgotten even if the main programmer
abandoned the project.
Game Music.
Started in 2017, released
in 2023.
How do you signal inside a roundabout?
Songs recorded in 2018,
released in 2023.
- Gammis
News 3rd
Mar 2023:
first update of the year! Hi, it's time for another album
to get dropped! This time it was Detached Ignorance turn,
which meant a lot of production work for me. I'm happy
with the result though, and I think that I've reached jet
another level in my mixing and mastering knowledge. I got
a new record with the song "Who are You", but not the kind
of record that I'm proud about. I saved it as 40 different
versions before I finally got tired and released the album
even if I felt that "Who are You" could be mixed and
mastered better still. I am proud of the guitar solos on
that track however. Big thanks to everyone who helped me
listen to the sound of the tracks and even bigger thanks
to the guest artists: Promise To Panic, Ahnna Guthler and
Lemonride. Thank you!
Same as You:
Various Rock, right?
Songs written in 1999-2021,
released in 2023.
- Gammis
News 30th
Dec 2022:
Happy new Year!
Another year is coming to its end and as per usual it’s
time for me to summarize my achievements. The first
feeling that comes up is happiness. 2022 has been a joyful
year for me as a musician. It has been a creative year. It
has been a productive year. It has been another year full
of learning. There has also been a lot of feedback and
some fun surprises when it comes to my audience.
The numbers:
I’ve taken a slight step backwards in productivity
compared to last year when it comes to finished song
projects - with 33 songs finished (2022) compared to 44
(2021). But I have a lot of songs nearly complete that
will get finished in 2023 so that number is a bit
misguiding. Some years are more about finishing existing
projects rather then starting new ones, but I feel like
2022 have been a year of both. I’ve officially released 4
full albums, 2 EPs and one single over the year. All songs
released this was: 52. I’ve started new song projects in
logic 149 times in 2022. That is one more song started in
a DAW then the year before. The numbers of ideas recorded
on my Dictaphone are too many to count at this time. The
most frustrating part of the year (but still pretty fun at
times) has been trying to sort all those Dictaphone ideas.
The Songs:
Some songs released in 2022 have reached their full
potential and made me really happy. Some didn’t deliver
what I hoped. Some songs became dearer to me after release
when others showed their appreciation. 2022 top three
songs for me:
1. New wave of Fire
2. Full Circle
3. Ronny Cyklar till Norge
Most disappointing was: Den Sociala Hierarkin, a song that
I released just to get done with the album rather than
taking my due time with all the tracks.
The Response:
The first time I ever tried to promote any of my songs via
a promotion service was in 2022. Because of this, my
audience have grown with several hundred percents for a
couple of projects, namely Gammis and Detached Ignorance.
But one funny thing is that Detached Ignorance started to
grow a lot even before I used any service because of one
the songs making it into some playlist in USA all of its
own. Another funny thing is that two other projects - that
I haven’t tried to promote yet (Nerd Chills and
KondensKungen) - have made themselves an audience on their
own throughout the year. As of today, Detached Ignorance
has a growing group of listeners in Brazil, USA and in
Japan. Nerd Chills grows the most in USA and Germany.
KondensKungen grows the most in USA, Australia and France.
And Gammis had 88 different listeners from my neighbouring
town Stockholm the last month. I will always produce music
since it is my passion. So it’s not vital for my music to
get recognized. But it is cool. It especially warms my
heart when someone reach out and write to me about what
one of my songs means to them – thank you again!
The Tech:
I have become more familiar with my new mastering program:
iZotope Ozone. It has helped me to complete my tracks a
bit faster then before and made a slight improvement in
sound. The biggest step I’ve taken as a producer this
year, however, is not in the mastering department. I’ve
finally reached some core understanding when it comes to
fabfilters Pro-Q 3 and its dynamic EQ side-chain
possibilities. This great revelation came late in 2022 so
none of my previous releases have any of this. In my
coming releases, however, I hear the technique in action
The Future:
So, looking forward, what are my thoughts about next year?
As a producer I still have a long way to go until I reach
the perfect sound for all my songs, but the latest step
with dynamic EQ side-chain will be a game changer to many
of my rock songs. I will try to learn a bit more when it
comes to stereo mixing, mainly how to bring some sounds
out to the sides while vocals, bas and core drums still
cling to the middle. I will try reaching this using the
pro-Q 3 and a new program for me: the bx_solo. I will not
say for sure, as these things have a way to change over
time, but I see a couple of releases for both Nerd Chills
and Gammis during 2023. The first release, however,
belongs to Detached Ignorance. And that’s a promise.
- Gammis
News 8th
Dec 2022:
Hi, again. Wow, yet another album released.
But first I need to thank everyone who listens to my
music, I got my spotify-wrapped yesterday and was blown
away. I got a lot of positive statistics for all of my
projects. So, thank you!
While it felt good releasing the last album to get some
closure of the 4-album project I had, this release feels
feels like a gust of fresh air flew through my
creative process and it gave me even more hunger
for a productive future. I've
been really exited about these song since the very first
day I played around with a rework for the first of them.
It's been a long lasting dream of mine to be able to
release some of these songs in a fashion that does them
justice, and I think I just made it. The most important
song for me is #1, "New Wave of Fire". This song was
originally made for my grunge-metal band Mutual
Edification. We rehearsed it a few times back in 2001 and
I still remember how to play the guitar riffs and the
melody. Some songs just suck with you like that, I guess.
While we had lyrics back in the day I figured I'd try
something different just for fun, making it a more
game-friendly "Megaman-like" metal. I got so inspirited
while working on it that I started to remake several old
songs as well. A few days later most of the album was
already done. Many of the songs are new versions of old
tracker-metal releases from 1998 (find them at
modarchive.org). The song "Give Me Power" have been hiding
in my unfinished projects folder since 1998. I also have
to mention "Leaving Myself", a song made for the band One
Future Plan back in 2002. It also had lyrics back then,
but I think this version works better. Even the cover art
is a rework from a old drawing I did in my early teens.
Metal Droid:
Reincarnated Megaman-style Metal!
Songs written in 1998-2022,
all recorded in 2022.
- Gammis
3rd Nov 2022:
And here comes the last piece of my five year
old project! Success! Yeay!
started out in 2018 with
listening to almost all song
ideas from my Dictaphone
marked with the "random
Swedish song" marker. The
first step was to write all
the lyrics, which gave me a
lot of additional
inspiration. After having
around 80 finished lyrics I
started to sort the projects
after different feelings.
The red album (2019) was to
be the sad one, the yellow
one (2020) got the crazy
songs, the blue one (2021)
had all the songs that I
associate with work and then
there was the green one
(2022) that supposed to
contain angry songs. Some
songs were added late in
this album and some songs
were moved to other projects
not yet released, but the
core idea of fitting these
songs into four different
albums with different feel
is still there. And then I
recorded most instruments in
"bulk", having days where I
recorded half the albums
vocals - for instance. But
wait! These four albums
doesn't combine 80 tracks!?
No, some are still coming
later and some might never
get finished. I hope you
enjoy this scrappy album. :)
En Självbiografi på Tre Ord:
Pro tip: Avsluta alltid
dina skivor med en sångtitel likt
detta: "Jag borde hållit käft!"
recorded 2018-2022.
- Gammis
News 7th
Aug 2022:
It's time for another release! This time it's
Detached Ignorance's turn. When planning this release I
realized that it was better to focus on a few songs at a
time instead of making it a full length album. Perhaps
this is something that I will implement more often in the
future. The songs are pretty straight forward even if I
feel a bit confused about what to answer when asked the
genre. I'm feeling OK with how they turned out even if I
think I could make them sound even better if I put in a
couple more hours work. This is, at the end of the day,
just a hobby and not my main occupation. The biggest
adventure of the Bombardment EP was, however, the cover.
It took several months and engagement from a few sources
that didn't deliver anything to the final product before I
got the help I needed from my dear friend David Guvå (who
had to remake his work 2 times due to hard drive errors
and re-installations). I edited his rendered picture and
added a more dirty feeling to it using vector tracing and
coloring. Hope you like the songs!
Rock on!
Songs recorded in 2022.
- Gammis
News 11th
Jul 2022:
A lot have happened since I last updated the
site. The albums keep lining up and this time it's another
Nerd Chills project that's up: Full Circle. I started to
play around with vocoder synthesizers back in 2018. I made
a few songs that I liked and came back to the theme from
time to time until 2021 when I decided to make a full
album out of the songs. Now I'm really pleased with a few
of them. Hope you like them to :)
The next release I hope to get out soon is one with
"Detached Ignorance". The music is done but I've had some
problems with the album cover, trying to outsource the
work without success and getting help from a friend who
sadly deleted the files mid work in a hard drive crash
while rendering 3D art. I'm in no hurry though.
Without actively searching any game projects I've managed
to get another freelance gig. A cool little game with an
arabic theme - something I've said that I would like to
work on some day. Currently I've done two long (10min+)
tunes for that game. I've also fixed up some old songs
that got used in different sources. Another game that I've
been involved with for some time now as well as a
Counter-Strike tournament. Check them out here: @Matth33w_Dev and esportstudion.se .
The amount of streams on my song about Ronny @cyklaforlivet
keeps on building and I hope to give him a few hundred for
his cause. So thank you for listening to that song!
Full Circle:
Vocoder fun.
Songs recorded in
- Gammis
11th Apr 2022:
Today is a historic date in my musical
career because today I release my first ever cover
album! After talking to the original artists, bob hund
allowed me to use their mascot on my cover art. Thank
you for all you inspiration bob hund! Hope you like
what I did here.
Mer än så kan ingen bli:
Covers of bob hund songs from the 90's
Songs recorded in 2021.
- Gammis
24th Feb 2022:
Sometimes the process of releasing music
doesn't have to take that long. I started with the
first song for this album in December 2021 and
finished the 13th song in the same month. It's a
experimental album with jazz drums together with old
chip sounds, perfect for a old platformer game. I hope
you'll like it!
8-bit Bird Jazz:
Can you guess what birds the songs is
inspired of?
Songs made in 2021.
- Gammis
17th Feb 2022:
This years first release is a single.
It's a TRIBUTE single, in fact. After joking about it
with my co-worker Ronny, I decided to try making a
song that he could use to promote his bike run this
summer, where he also gathers money for a good cause
(research for Heart and lung cancer). So, be sure to
check him out on instagram @cyklaforlivet
while listening to this wonderful track.
Ronny Cyklar till Norge:
Featuring wonderful cover art by some
great painter...
Song made in 2022.
- Gammis
30th Dec 2021:
Happy new year! It's time to take a look
at 2021 and what I produced and learned over the year.
It's been a kind of depressing year with covid-19
ruining lives and plans for everyone, but for me it's
also been another great year of growth and
Released tracks: 56
Finished tracks: 43
29 of them matches both categories
I started 2021 by releasing Gammis & Dronten's "GG
Livet". It was fun to work together with others when
mixing and switching ideas for the masters. Then I put
all my effort in finishing the "Finn Fem Fel" album
that I later released as Kondenskungen. I'm feeling OK
with the result even if it felt more like a mass
production a la the assembly line rather then putting
enough thought into every song. Then came the big
release for the year with the Detached Ignorance album
"Half Emptiness". I made great strides toward better
mixing and mastering but still felt that I came up
short in the end. The album got to much bass and
sounds bad in some speakers. I'm still really proud of
most of the songs on that album however, just a bit
sad that I didn't switch mastering tools before
releasing it. But I did switch mastering tools, only
after the Detached Ignorance album. I now use the
Izotope mastering plugin: Ozone, and I love it.
Because of Ozone I would like to say that the last
album I released in 2021, the "Introvert Tankesmedja"
by Gammis, has the best sound of them all. I did not
put as much work on the latest album as I did with the
"Half Emptiness" one, but it still sounds better in my
opinion. So that's a witness of how much help I got
from Ozone. I've always wanted to learn how to master
songs when using references, and now I've started to
learn it! Lastly I made more money from my streams
this year. Even if I don't do music for the money it's
still a neat little bonus. So thank you to everyone
who streamed!
The best of my songs from 2021, from the producers
point of view, will have to be "Gammis - Smutset i
Stupröret". The day I recorded it was a great day in
the studio, as well as the day I mixed it.
Looking forward towards 2022 I'm filled with
excitement. I've felt more and more under 2021 that I
would like to give the game music career another try,
maybe that is something that will continue to grow in
2022 and hopefully grow into some interesting
projects. I also have a long line of half done albums
waiting to get finished. Some of them already have
their album covers done. So the set goal is to
continue to release a bunch of albums, but I'm also
ready to pause those projects if a game music gig
appears. Let's see what the future holds. In any case,
there will be more tones out of me, That's a promise.
- Gammis
20th Oct 2021:
Hi there. A new album is out and I can
gladly move on towards the next few projects in line.
This one sound a bit better then my older albums in my
opinion. A great deal of that is due to more focus in
the mastering process. It's hard to be the artist, the
recording technician, the mixer AND the master
engineer of the same songs that you once came up with
and recorded on your Dictaphone. But with great tools
it's apparently possible. I switched over to iZotopes
Ozone while mastering and I believe it gave great
This is the third of four albums in a planned
collection with ideas I've recorded on my Dictaphone
over the years. I collected them all in 2018 and
started to work out some structure to the songs as
well as writing out the whole lyrics and so forth. It
was a really exiting project at that time and I
promised myself that I would see it through until the
end. Now, however, I have so much more material
recorded that I could expand the collection with a few
more albums with ease. The idea was first to sum up
these Swedish songs into different feelings, making
the album color represent the mood of the songs. After
a while I realized that the mood idea wasn't going to
happen. Instead I've sorted them in a different way:
The first album was the red one, and it was the one
containing the more serious and, frankly, depressing
songs. The second one was the yellow album which
contained a lot of the more "brain dead" songs, if you
will. Now, here's the blue one, and the theme of this
one is: job. I've had my night time job in more the 10
years now and I've learned a lot about people in these
years. Almost all the song ideas for the album were
either recorded at work or handle my thoughts about my
night time job or the work we do to get paid in
general. I'm particularly content with track 9.
Introvert Tankemsedja:
Work it baby.
Project started in
2018, finished in 2021.
- Gammis
10th May 2021:
I finally did it! After lying almost
entirely idle and 99% done for half a year, I finally
did some of the last tweaks to this "baby" and then
released it. I started with the album in the spring of
2020 as a side project. Soon it became clear that it
would be the main project of the year and indeed my
"2020 baby". After approximately nine months it was
ready for release. But I wanted to wait a bit longer
for more mastering inspiration. Instead I got Covid-19
and didn't touch my studio for two months. Then the
project grew cold on me. To be honest I really feel
that I could have mastered it better in some "ways".
But every time I've opened the songs this year, I've
lost track of what those "ways" would be and instead
I've winded up with a feeling of wanting to move on. I
guess that I should have sent it to some professional
mixer/master-er, But that would have cost me... I'm
not there yet. I'm still really proud of my "2020
baby" and I hope that you'll take your time and listen
to the tracks. I want to thank Salah Fatah for singing
the choir on "Love Communication" with me. That
contribution means that I didn't do everything on this
album entirely alone, so thank you!
Fun fact: The only song on "Half Emptiness" that
wasn't entirely made in 2020 was the song "Cut Out My
Eyes". That song was written in 2004 for the band
Mutual Edification. I wrote it at home but formed it
together with the band at the spring rehearsals before
our summer tour that never got to be. Since then I've
never recorded even a little memory note from this
song - until now. It feels really cool to be able to
remember songs in this way and then make the song
"real" almost 20 years after it was written. I have
another song just like that in mind for a coming
Detached Ignorance release.
Half Emptiness:
Back to the roots of rock.
Project started in
2020, finished in 2021.
- Gammis
16th Mar 2021:
Yo! Lately* I've been focusing a lot on
the mixing and mastering parts of my productions. It
has been interesting and I think that I've learned a
lot under a short period of time. But it also has it's
costs. It has been impossible to put the amount of
work that is needed into all of my projects, which in
turn injures my creativity. So I decided to cut down
the fine tuning parts in some of the projects. First
in line was the KondensKungen albums. While making
song within these projects, I just create without a
particular goal for each track. So, now I won't put to
much work into making them sound the best that they
can. It's just a pile of piled up creativity, really.
This time I only used samples starting on the letter
F. I'm happy for the help I got from my kids, my
brother and my friend Zigge. Thank you!
Finn Fem Fel:
Experimental and Instrumental..
Project started in
2019, finished in 2021. *Lately: the last couple
of years :)
- Gammis
News 10th Feb 2021:
Wow! Finally, we are done.
This EP has been in the making for a very long time.
We could have put more work into it, but G&D
releases shouldn't be polished, so it's all good.
It's been a interesting experience to share files
three ways on the songs with Zigge. He absolutely
adds a bit of professionalism to our madness. Enjoy!
- Gammis
21st Dec 2020:
Hi! Another year is about to end - and, as per usual,
I bring you a small report of my musical actions.
There have been some ups and downs throughout the
year, but my main conclusion is that I've developed my
mixing skills even further. A couple of setbacks,
mainly a hard drive crash in November, made the
quantity of finished songs and albums suffer. But the
ones that didn't make it this year will soon see the
light of day - so its no big problem. Here are this
years numbers:
Released tracks: 34
Finished tracks: 35
25 of them match both category's
I could call 2020 "the year of numerous
release-alias". I released Nerd Chills first album, I
released EDM gammis first album (so the real gammis
rock wont get mixed up with the EDM remixes). And then
I also released a "regular" gammis album. But I've
also worked on releases that will be released by
"kondenskungen", "Detached Ignorance" and "Gammis
& Dronten". So now I suddenly go by (too) many
Due to my ferocious activity - I guess - the company
that helps me with my releases are starting to
question some of my work. I've just recently got the
EDM gammis album rejected because I didn't properly
credit the original author and remixers. I'm trying to
tell them that It's all me... well, hope they wont put
me on hold forever with that "problem".
This year, I've invested a lot of money in good
plugins for my DAW. It's great with cool plugins. Its
even greater with cool plugins if you know how to use
them. So I've invested a lot of my time in learning as
well. Big creds to: fabfilter, valhallaDSP, waves,
oeksound and "produce like a pro". A big thanks to my
two kids, Ester and Séur, for participating in some of
the songs that came out this year.
Perhaps some old person in Sweden will get this
greeting to its full potential:
"Deeeeeet koooooommer mera,
- Gammis
23rd Oct 2020:
Hi! Another release is done. This time
I'm introducing a new project called "EDM Gammis".
It's, as you can imagine, a "Electronic Dance Music
remix project" of old Gammis songs. Most of the
initial work was about combining new knowledge and
creativity with old song ideas and recordings. That
was really fun. I have chosen some of my Swedish
songs that I thought deserves a better presentation
than the rock productions from old. Some songs
didn't make the cut, resulting in an short album
that apparently identifies as a EP on the streaming
services. This is the first time that I choose to
cut some of the songs on a album while still feeling
perfectly fine with it. The album title is a play on
words with a pretty immature twist ("tolk" means
"interpret" but "tork" means "whipe"). Even if this
isn't my most serious release I'm still proud of the
outcome. I'm most pleased with song 2: "Mamma". The
original song had some potential but that recording
was - for lack of better words - awful. Now I really
feel that I've made a version that is worthy the
heavy text that I wrote as a teenager. I hope you
like it too!
Gammis Tolkar Sig Själv:
Dance to Gammis songs - the best of
two worlds?!
EDM Remixes made from
2017 to 2020.
- Gammis
25th Jul 2020:
Finally the next Gammis album is out.
This album is not as dark and depressing as the last
one in the planned Gammis series of four albums.
Most of these songs would fit under the "mindless
happy rock" genre, as many of the Swedish gammis
songs of the past. I'm particularly happy with a few
of the mixes here; "Salt i Min Fil", "Praktikant hos
St.Per" and "Kul att Du Tyckte om Min Låt" mainly. I
think they mark another step forward in my
development as a music producer. It also gives me
some extra warmth when my kids want to participate
in my music.
Konspirationsteorier i Bollhavet:
Fun loving Swedish rock music.
Songs made from ideas
recorded with my dictaphone over a wast period
of time, recorded throughout 2018 to 2020.
- Gammis
30th Jun 2020:
I never thought that the corona virus
would affect my work in any way, but then I realized
that it might take longer to get my albums out to
their destinations. A couple of extra weeks later,
here we are:
Chip December:
Instrumental techno remixes of some
of my old chip tunes.
Songs made in FT2
back in December 2001, remade in logic pro 2020.
- Gammis
1st Jun 2020:
Hi there! Half of the year has nearly
gone and I still have no albums to present to you,
but fear not! In fact it's a great year so far both
in terms of productivity and creativity. I started
off with listing four different projects that I made
up goals for this year, I even let some of my fans
vote for which project I would focus on first. Now,
when this years first finished product is about to
be released, I realize that this particular project
wasn't even an option in that vote. When there's
only the deadlines I make up for myself, there's
always room for a creative outburst or two. :) But I
have done a lot with the four initial projects as
well. Now I'm currently waiting for other
participants to do their parts in two of the
projects while I'm taking my time to mix and master
three other projects where everything is
already recorded - with perhaps one song as an
exception. Keep in mind that when I write about
different projects I mean full length albums in all
these five cases, so there's a lot of work.
I took another look at the "about me" page and
updated it a bit. Some new music projects and games
added to the lists there as well as a little text
part about my childhood and why music meant so much
from early on.
In other news, My son came up with a brilliant idea
today, so I made a hidden
page section just to explain the idea a bit
more deeply.
- Gammis
News 22nd Feb 2020:
Hello.. I looked up my page on my
phone and realized that the Discography section
was awful to look at while using small screens.
So here's a small update, still using the 2017
build though. The new projects are coming on
nicely. Have a super day!
- Gammis
News 14th Dec 2019:
It's time for my yearly sum-up. I'm a
stat-guy. I like seeing my work broken down into
numbers. But not everything that is important when
it comes to music can be measured in basic
statistics, otherwise this entry would be a real
downer. The "dream number" for my finished
recordings this year was 88, but the real number
turned out to be 17.
The numbers:
54 released tracks.
17 finished recordings.
5 of them match both categories.
With that said, I feel strangely
contempt with what I've came up with
this year. Instead of rushing out the
albums that were waiting for release, I
took my time and did them justice. When
I finally was done with producing the
"Glitterbengt was Here" album, I had
less then half of the year remaining to
focus on new recordings. I did not.
Instead I started to manage some of my
old songs even more rigorous. So, now I
have three series of albums waiting to
get made.
The first series is divided in three
parts. It's inspired by a book I've
written myself and will be released by
Detached Ignorance since the lyrics will
be in English. It contains some songs
that I made back in 2012, but I'm still
not finished with all the recordings to
the first part. This first part,
however, is my current main project and
will hopefully get released in the first
half of 2020.
The second series
is divided into four parts. I asked my
wife how she thought I should split all
the songs I have in mind for these
albums and she said that it's better to
not mix the different themes and
feelings too much. So I'll be keeping
most of the depressed songs in one part,
most of the really wacky and weird songs
in another part and then hopefully get
two semi-serious albums left in the end.
The common thread that keeps these
albums together in a series will be hard
to detect for other people - i guess.
Other then "Gammis" being the artist and
the covers having a similar feel them,
these songs all come from ideas recorded
on my little Dictaphone around the same
time span. So there's no real theme in
the lyrics keeping all four albums
together. Here's the first part:
The third series is the "Kondenskungen"
albums. I loved making the first one and
that album is the only one that I find
myself listening to sometimes now after
release. I will make more albums out of
more letters in the future. ;)
Now, I will try to keep an open mind
about what I can produce in the coming
year. I think that I've found a good way
to work now - with main focus on one
project at a time until that one is
released. There will come days when I
suddenly work on something completely
different then all the ongoing projects
I already have, but that never matter
when I only have my own imaginary
timelines to follow.
Hey, who is that in the middle?!
Yes. It's me. Thnx to David Guvå, Black Molly
Entertainment and GLL for this opportunity. It was an
honour to be a part of the production crew on this
huge event.
- Gammis
News 14th July 2019:
Here you go, this is my latest release.
More information on the discography page.
- Gammis
15th Mar 2019:
Another album done and released. This one
contains a bunch of "pop-ish" songs with
Swedish lyrics that I've created over the
years 2010 - 2016. I have special memories
attached to most of them, so it feels great
to include them into a album now when they
sound a bit better then the original
mixdowns. When I've been talking to people
about my music, I've realized that it's been
a mistake releasing all of my past projects
under the same artist name. It makes it hard
to separate the projects and hard to give
people a fair preview of my music. I made the decision to
release this album using my main
artist name, and will only release
material like this - pop/rock genre
and Swedish lyrics - as Gammis in
the future. On the bright side, there's
not many unreleased mixdowns that require
flat masters left, finally!
- Gammis
News 12th Feb 2019:
Hi there. My first album of the year is done
and out on all "platforms". While I found
myself surrounded by all the half done
projects and remaster projects in the end of
last year, I decided to take a while off from
all ambitions and just create like in the good
old days. Two months and 22 tracks later I
found myself with yet another project waiting
to get mastered. I struggled through the
mastering with the help of a few friends and
got the album DONE! Thank you: Henrik
Petersén, Erik Gustavsson, Karl-Filip Karlsson
and David Guvå.
As you can see, I decided to release this
album with the alias "KondensKungen". Since
I'm releasing music in such a wide area of
genres and both songs with Swedish and English
lyrics, I have decided to release different
kinds of albums with different aliases. I'm
keeping the "Gammis" name exclusively for Pop
and Rock with Swedish lyrics. The
"KondensKungen" projects will not be as
serious. This particular release is made with
samples and plugins on the letter "R" in my
instrument library. There's so many sounds in
my library by now, that this kind of challenge
just makes an easier framework when making
music. It has been a great way to learn what
"R-sounds" I can rely on in the future.
Also, my brothers album is out! I've just
mixed a bit and then mastered this, all creds
to Joh Shouldersson :)
- Gammis
News 31st Dec 2018:
Time to sum up the year! So, this
has been the BIG "Trying to learn to
master"-year for me. I've released some older
songs now when I finally found ways to polish
them up into a OK state. But mastering music
is hard work - and not as satisfying for me as
some of the more creative phases of making
music - so now I have a even bigger load of
tracks, that are just waiting to get mastered
and released, then I had in the beginning of
the year.
The numbers:
43 released tracks.
77 finished recordings.
16 of them match both categories.
Sadly, there's been some big bumps throughout
the year that slowed down the production. The
two main problems was a throat sickness that
lasted for two whole months (when I was
supposed to record lyrics) and then my main
music computer broke down - costing me ALL my
savings and another month where I was unable
to work properly (waiting for a sale on a
iMac). I've also been working as a producer on
a project made by my brother. Not being part
of any recordings there - just the mixing and
After yet another game project got cancelled
in 2017, I decided to take care of my own
songs in 2018. Not actively hunting new game
projects have left me with a mixed feeling, on
the one hand I get to control and manage all
my creative work as I see fit, on the other
hand I'm not making it easier to reach my goal
in that industry. But I'm confident with the
decision. I have, however, realized that I'm
never going to get finished with ALL of my own
projects - that would take me several life
times. So if I want to work with making music
for games in the future - I kind of have to
put down most of my own album projects. I
still got a family and a paying occupation to
think about.
Now, looking forward to a even more creative
year: 2019. I will stick to the decision about
not actively searching for game projects
throughout this year to. I simply have to many
darling-projects that just needs to get
finished. I hope and believe that I can get
more projects released 2019 then I got in
2018. There are three complete albums that are
just waiting to get mastered as I write this,
and then a lot more projects where just a few
songs are done. And even if I have my doubts,
I hope I can continue the trend in creating
more new finished recordings. A dream number
would be: 88.
Let's get this going...
- Gammis
So, I got called the day
before this was going on air. David (AKA
Dronten) wrote and recorded this song on his
ipad and wanted me to master and tune it a bit.
A few hours later the voices sounded OK, there
was a new choir-boy and the sound felt atleast
OK In my mind. It was fun to be a part of
something bigger then my own projects.
- Gammis
News 10th Jun 2018:
2nd remaster is here! While still finding my
groove around the mastering jungle I decided
to take on some of the old Swedish leftovers
in my local library (although I've released
some of them in their pre-remastered state on
my Youtube channel). There are no particular
theme to this album but it still feels good to
finally find a home for these songs. Some are
just flat remasters since I cannot find the
original work files, others are reworked in a
bit more advanced fashion.
- Gammis
News 27th Apr 2018:
1st remaster done! This is an project recorded
back in 2009. I felt that the general sound of
the songs got so bad that I decided to
discontinue the project and just release a few
of the songs as singles. Now, nine years
later, I've gained a bit more knowledge about
mastering music and thought that the Moroten
Oskar album deserved another try. It's a
"flat" remaster - meaning that I just took the
original mixdown and edited them from there.
The cooledit project files is long gone. Hope
you enjoy this weird EP. :)
- Gammis
News 11th Mar 2018:
Finally my kids first album is released! Ever
since 2011 we have made a few songs per year
on their initiative and now I felt it was time
to sum the songs up into a whole album. Many
of the songs were made in a similar fashion: I
give them a beat and a couple of headphones,
start a recording and then I leave the room.
We had some copyright issues which prolonged
the release but the whole issue turned out to
be a error by the release company. I hope you
can enjoy the sound of untamed creativity!
- Gammis
News 4th Jan 2018:
Thank you for your support during 2017. I
finished 46 recordings during the year and
started 51 additional recordings - not
counting all the ideas on my dictaphone. My
streamed music also generated a few bucks for
a meal out with the family. I hope to reach a
even higher number during 2018. With luuuv.
- Gammis
News 15th Dec 2017:
So, my second album of the year is out. It all
started with me trying out something new in
logic and one month later (November has always
been my most productive month) I had a full
length, 14 track, album finished. This is me
going back to my electronica roots, with a bit
of house/techno feel added. There are six
totally new songs and eight remixes of old
tunes on the disc. Track no. 9 is a remix of
one of my first musical arrangements ever.
Listen to it via the links on the discography
- Gammis
News 11th Dec 2017:
So, I made a Warframe related Christmas
jingle. Seems that the point was writing a
text, not recording a song. But anyways :)
- Gammis
News 27th Nov 2017:
This is the first day that this
page goes public. Peace and pinatas.
- Gammis
News 22nd Oct 2017:
The old site got hacked, so I
started making this simple HTML site
instead. Stay simple, stay safe.
- Gammis